Impaled Milk originalted in 1998 in the town of Litchfield New Hampshire when Zach and Ryan (ex-drummer decided to start a punk band. Our early influences included Johnny Cash and GG Allen, They needed a guitarrest and bassest so they stumbled upon Jay and Mike. All togeher they formed Impaled Milk and started writing sonds and terrorizing people.
After a few months of practicing they decided to start playing shows. They later added Andy on vocals due to the icreasing speep of some songs. Together they played shows for almost two years, then due to personal reasons and because Ryan decided not to show up for recording, he left the band. Dave who had become our second guitarrest for a few weeks, stepped up to play drums. After practicing and playing local shows Impaled Milk started playing out more often spanning the Tri-State and New Englad area. Impaled Milk just released their second release the "Suspicious Behavior" single and has been in the studio producing their second full lenght which will leave you with peirced ears and diaarea after listening to it. So we leave you with this one note,
Can you Hack the Milk!!
"Stumpfucking At the Linwood"
Released June 2000, Features all of the old songs, lotsa bad covers, a must for all Impaled Milk fans!
"Now Run Along And don't Get Into Mischeif"
Released 2001, Our first full Length still available to purchase!
"The Ballad of the Jonee Earthquake Band"
Released August 2001 (Spiril Records no.30), We cover JEQ's "We'll Never Play this Place Again." Availible at Jonee Earthquake shows everywhere for a buck!
"Suspicious Behavior"
Released Summer 2002, A three Song CD single, only a few left get them while you can!
"The Worst Christmas Album"
Released December 2002 (Spiril Records no.42), A Christmas comp, featuring our song "Santa Doesn't Love Me", also Available at Jonee Earthquke shows for five bucks!